for Authors
1. Submissions should be composed of two separate files in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or WordPerfect document (.docx) file format:
– the first one of the Title Page that contains a) the title, b) the name, affiliation and contact address of the author, and c) the name of the Call for Papers (if you are submitting for the Essay section, please specify it), and
– the second one of the Blinded Manuscript. In cases of the citations from the author’s own papers cite as follows: “[Anonymous, 2018]”.
To submit your essay, go to “submissions” in the menu bar (or the link at the bottom of this page), register and log in.
2. Please don’t use the tabs, the hyphenation or any other formatting tools except italics and superscripts (as footnote numbers).
3. Use the font Times New Roman.
4. As quotation marks use Guillemets, the French quotation marks «», without the spaces between the first/last word of citation and the marks (not: « Geist » but: «Geist»). The following are Alt codes (Windows) and key combinations (Mac) on the keyboard.
Windows :
« (opening): Alt + 174 or Alt + 0171
» (closing): Alt + 175 or Alt + 0187
Mac (on English keyboard):
« (opening): Alt + Q (written as keys: [⌥] + [Q])
» (closing): Shift + Alt + Q (written as keys: [⇧] + [⌥] + [Q])
5. For the citations longer than four lines use block quotes without quotation marks and leave an empty line before and after the citations. Put square brackets around ellipsis dots […] to show omission of words or sentences within the citation.
6. Put the footnote numbers after the punctuation marks in superscript.
Platon zufolge handelt das Göttliche «neidlos» (aphthonos).10
7. Type the foreign words and book titles in italic.
8. Distinguish (a) the hyphen (-) from (b) the dash (–).
(a) The rules which obtain among themselves appear to them self-evident and self-justifying.
(b) the trilogy, Timaeus, Critias, Hermocrates – the most ambitious design he had ever conceived.
9. Make sure that the quotation marks and the apostrophes are not vertical or typewriter, but curly (‘ ’, “ ”).
10. Use the American citation style:
In-Text Citation:
What counted was the act of writing and of talking to oneself [Hadot 1998, 48-51].
In cases of multiple authors:
Cf. Fischer et al. 2000, 55.
11. References
Books, edited books, classical works, translations:
Hadot, P. [1998], The Inner Citadel: The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius, ed. and transl. M. Chase, Cambridge (MA), Harvard University Press.
Baehr, J. (ed.) [2016], Intellectual Virtues and Education, London, Routledge.
Schlumbohm, J., Duden, B., Gélis, J., Veit, P. (eds.) [1998], Rituale der Geburt. Eine Kulturgeschichte, München, Beck.
Husserl, E. [2014], Grenzprobleme der Phänomenologie. Analysen des Unbewusstseins und der Instinkte. Metaphysik. Späte Ethik. Texte aus dem Nachlass (1908 – 1937), ed. R. Sowa, T. Vongehr, Dordrecht, Springer.
Husserl, E. [1991], On the Phenomenology of the Consciousness of Internal Time (1893–1917), ed. and transl. J. B. Brough, Dordrecht, Kluwer.
Journal articles:
Theunissen, M. [1965], Schellings anthropologischer Ansatz, in: Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 47, 174-189.
Book chapters:
Frings, M.S. [2002], A Novel Look at the Structure of the Pragmatic View of the World: Max Scheler, in: L.V. Ryan, F.B. Nahser and W.W. Gasparski (eds.), Praxiology and Pragmatism, New Brunswick, Transaction Publishers, 107-120.
Online documents:
De Monticelli, R. [2015], The Sensibility of Reason: Outline of a Phenomenology of Feeling, in: Thaumàzein 3, 139-160 (accessed Aprile 2, 2017).
Peterson, K. [2016], Nicolai Hartmann and Recent Realism, in: Axiomathes. DOI 10.x1007/s10516-016-9313-3 (accessed October 23, 2017).
12. Please add a brief abstract (250 words or 1.500 characters maximum) and up to five keywords in English at the end of your article. Please include the English title, if your article is written in other languages.
To submit your essay, go to this link, register and log in: